Best 6 Beautiful villages to visit in Africa

Best 6 beautiful villages to visit in Africa

Discover the best 6 beautiful villages to visit in Africa and get unforgettable experiences.

Africa is a continent rich in culture, history, and natural beauty.

 It offers a variety of experiences for travelers who want to explore its diverse landscapes and people. 

One of the best ways to get a glimpse of authentic African life is to visit some of the villages that dot the continent.

Related: 5 Most Beautiful Villages to visit in the world

Best 6 beautiful villages to visit in Africa

 In this article we’ll explore in detail  the best 6 beautiful villages to visit in Africa according to various sources  and our own observations.

Nzulezo, Ghana

This village is built entirely on stilts on Lake Tandane in western Ghana.

 Nzulezo means “surface of water” in the local Nzema language and it is home to about 500 people who live in wooden houses connected by wooden walkways.

 The village was founded by a group of people who were fleeing from a war in the 15th century and settled on the lake for safety. 

Visitors can take a canoe ride to the village and learn about its history, culture, and traditions from the locals.

Chefchaouen, Morocco

 Chefchaouen is a picturesque village nestled in the Rif Mountains of northern Morocco. 

It is famous for its blue-washed buildings that create a stunning contrast with the green hills and the clear sky. 

The village was founded in 1471 as a fortress to fight against the Portuguese invaders and later became a refuge for Jews and Muslims fleeing from Spain.

 Chefchaouen has a rich cultural heritage and offers many attractions for tourists, such as the old medina, the Kasbah museum, the Grand Mosque, and the nearby waterfalls.

Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia

Sidi Bou Said is a charming village perched on a cliff overlooking the Mediterranean Sea near Tunis.

 It is known for its white and blue houses that reflect the influence of Ottoman and Andalusian architecture. 

The village was named after a 13th-century Sufi saint who lived there and attracted many followers. 

Sidi Bou Said is a popular destination for artists, writers, and musicians who find inspiration in its beauty and tranquility.

 Visitors can enjoy the panoramic views of the sea, stroll through the narrow streets, shop for handicrafts, and taste the local delicacies.

Lalibela, Ethiopia

Lalibela is a sacred village in northern Ethiopia that is home to 11 monolithic churches that date back to the 12th and 13th centuries. 

The churches were carved out of solid rock by King Lalibela who wanted to create a new Jerusalem after the Muslim conquest of the Holy Land. 

The churches are connected by tunnels and trenches and are considered as one of the wonders of the world.

 Lalibela is a place of pilgrimage for Ethiopian Orthodox Christians who celebrate various festivals and ceremonies there. 

Visitors can admire the architectural marvels of the churches, witness the religious rituals, and learn about the history and culture of Ethiopia.

Shangana Cultural Village 

If you are looking for a cultural experience that reveals the fascinating mix of Zulu and Tsonga cultures that created the Shangaan nation, then you should visit the Shangana Cultural Village in Hazyview, Mpumalanga. 

The village is a living museum that showcases the history, traditions, and lifestyle of the Shangaan people, who are descendants of King Shaka’s half-brother, Soshangane.

The village consists of several homesteads that represent different eras and aspects of Shangaan culture. 

You can explore the village with a local guide, who will explain the customs and beliefs of the Shangaan people, such as their ancestral worship, initiation rites, marriage ceremonies, and healing practices.

 You can also interact with the villagers, who will demonstrate their skills in craft-making, cooking, and farming.

One of the highlights of the village is the Marula Market, where you can buy authentic Shangaan products, such as pottery, baskets, beadwork, carvings, and fabrics.

 The market is also a place where you can enjoy some traditional cuisine, such as mopani worms and  pap (maize porridge).

Another highlight of the village is the Evening Festival, which is a spectacular show of music and dance that celebrates Shangaan culture. 

You can watch the villagers perform various dances, such as the makhwaya (war dance), xigubu (reed dance), and xibelani (skirt dance), accompanied by drums, flutes, and marimbas. 

You can also join in the dancing and singing if you feel adventurous.

The Shangana Cultural Village is more than just a tourist attraction.

 It is a community project that aims to preserve and promote the Shangaan culture, as well as to provide employment and education opportunities for the local people. 

By visiting the village, you are not only enriching your own knowledge and appreciation of Shangaan culture, but also supporting a worthy cause.

The Shangana Cultural Village is open daily from 9 am to 5 pm. You can choose from different tours that suit your schedule and budget. 


If you are looking for a beach destination that combines stunning scenery, warm weather, and rich culture, then you should consider visiting Nungwi, a village situated at the northern tip of Zanzibar, an island off the coast of Tanzania. 

Nungwi is widely regarded as one of the most beautiful beaches in Tanzania, and even in Africa.

Nungwi has a lot to offer for travelers who want to relax and enjoy the natural beauty of the Indian Ocean. 

The village has a long stretch of white sandy beach that is fringed by palm trees and coral reefs. The water is clear and turquoise, and ideal for swimming, snorkeling, diving, and sailing.

 You can also witness the spectacular sunset over the horizon every evening.

Nungwi is not only a place for sunbathing and water sports, but also a place for cultural exploration. 

The village is home to the Zanzibari people, who have a unique blend of African, Arab, Indian, and Persian influences. 

You can learn about their history, traditions, and lifestyle by visiting the local attractions, such as the Nungwi Cultural Centre, the Nungwi Fish Market, the Nungwi Boatyard, and the Nungwi Aquarium. 

You can also interact with the friendly locals and sample their delicious cuisine, which is based on seafood, spices, coconut, and rice.

Nungwi is a perfect destination for anyone who wants to experience a tropical paradise in Tanzania.

 You can find a variety of accommodation options in Nungwi, ranging from budget guesthouses to luxury resorts. 

You can also easily access Nungwi from other parts of Zanzibar by road or boat. Nungwi is a village that will make you fall in love with its beauty and charm.


Africa is a place that will capture your heart with its idyllic charm.

Whether you explore traditional dances,foods, hand crafting, learn about the village’s history in a museum, or simply enjoy the tranquility of the surroundings, Africa offers a unique experience that is truly unforgettable. 

So, when planning your trip to Africa, make sure to include these villages and its delightful attractions on your must-visit list.